Table of Contents
Overview on Virtual Labs solution
VLAB is a cloud computing platform created by the DSPP in order to help partners tryout ALE Voice Solutions and develop their own applications. The main focus are the OmniPCX Enterprise PBX and its REST API Gateway called O2G (Also known as ROXE).
Available labs
An O2G lab is made out of 3 Virtual Machines:
- OmniPCX Enterprise (OXE), which is the main communication system.
- OMS, which is the OXE Media Gateway (Used for voice path, CODEC compression, MOH, Etc..).
- O2G, which is the Application Gateway to connect to the OmniPCX Enterprise.
You can find more information about O2G here.
A Rainbow lab is made out of 2 or 3 Virtual Machines:
- OmniPCX Enterprise (OXE), which is the main communication system.
- OMS, which is the OXE Media Gateway (Used for voice path, CODEC compression, MOH, Etc..).
- [OPTIONAL] - O2G, which is the Application Gateway to connect to the OmniPCX Enterprise.
- OXE Rainbow connection to the Rainbow developer sanbox
Knowledge base
start.txt ยท Last modified: 2021/10/08 15:53 by admin