====== Portal connection ====== With your browser, go to https://portal.ale-dspp.com and use the credentials you were given. If you need assistance with those, send an email to **FIXME** support[at]dspp.al-enterprise.com\\ Supported browser are: ^ Chrome ^ Firefox ^ Opera ^ Edge ^ IE ^ Safari ^ iOS ^ Android ^ Windows Mobile ^ | Latest | Latest | Latest  |  13+ | 11+ | 9+ | 9+ | 4.4+ | IE 11+ | \\ ====== The vlab is assigned to you ====== **Your account was created and you'll receive a first mail:** From: support@ale-dspp.com\\ To: your mail @\\ Subject: **Virtual Lab assigned to you**\\ Greetings! A new virtual lab was assigned to your user. Using the credentials you were previously given, you can now go to portal.ale-dspp.com where you will find all the connection information for each machine and each service. Please remember to read the wiki at vlab-wiki.ale-dspp.com for a quick introduction to your Virtual Lab. Enjoy! \\ **Then you'll receive a second mail:** Subject: **DSPP - Virtual lab account password reset**\\ Greetings, To initiate the password reset process for your account "your mail @", click the link below: portal.ale-dspp.com/reset/NjY/5lk-398d01df6cert4e827b9/ If clicking the link above doesn't work, please copy and past the URL in a new browser window instead. Sincerely, The DSPP Team **Follow these instructions to gain access to the Vlab portal.** \\ ====== Portal login page ====== In a Web browser, enter following url: portal.ale-dspp.com {{ :portal:portal_first_window.jpg|}} The login is done using a mail address either an admin or an user. \\ ===== Login to your Vlab ===== The URL are:\\ \\ To access the Virtual Machines management interface: vlab.ale-dspp.com and use your login and password.\\ \\ To access the O2G opengateway for OXE: o2g-vlabxx.ale-dspp.com where xx is the Vlab number.\\ \\ {{ :portal:portal_user_login.jpg|}} \\ \\ \\