Table of Contents

Portal connection

With your browser, go to and use the credentials you were given. If you need assistance with those, send an email to FIXME support[at]

Supported browser are:

Chrome Firefox Opera Edge IE Safari iOS Android Windows Mobile
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The vlab is assigned to you

Your account was created and you'll receive a first mail:

To: your mail @
Subject: Virtual Lab assigned to you


A new virtual lab was assigned to your user. Using the credentials you were previously given, you can now go to where you will find all the connection information for each machine and each service.

Please remember to read the wiki at for a quick introduction to your Virtual Lab.


Then you'll receive a second mail:

Subject: DSPP - Virtual lab account password reset


To initiate the password reset process for your account “your mail @”, click the link below:

If clicking the link above doesn't work, please copy and past the URL in a new browser window instead.

Sincerely, The DSPP Team

Follow these instructions to gain access to the Vlab portal.

Portal login page

In a Web browser, enter following url:

The login is done using a mail address either an admin or an user.

Login to your Vlab

The URL are:

To access the Virtual Machines management interface: and use your login and password.

To access the O2G opengateway for OXE: where xx is the Vlab number.