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O2G Software Versions

O2G version (September 2021)
This new version will be associated to the boot DVD
To be sure to have all the O2G functionalities, the minimum recommended OXE version is version N1.291.5.
CRO2G-198 O2G ports listening on Minor
CRO2G-212 [HCCaaS] [OXE-O2G] Transfer case not notified by O2G on conference hang-up Major
CRO2G-223 H-CCaaS: O2G Transferred notification missing if external number not provided in CSTA event Major
CRO2G-222 [AKIO-7.19.3] Defense: at HA platform Unified doesn't handle multiple switch between Primary and Secondary O2G instances Major
CRO2G-225 [HCCaaS] [OXE-O2G] OXE reboot - multiple messages Down/UP sent by O2G Major
CRO2G-224 [HCCaaS] O2G certificate management with UNIFIED server Critical
CRO2G-227 HTTP Notifier: public address issue Minor
CRO2G-220 HA: option IMPORT NOK Major
CRO2G-180 O2G does not reconnect after switchover to OXE with SSH
and spatial redundancy Minor
CRO2G-188 O2G: Incorrect CSTA monitorings after bascul / OXE / R12.4 m5.204.36 Major
CRO2G-205 [AKIO 7.19.1] H-CCaaS: O2G - Call diversion not explicit in CallRemoved notifications Major

RQO2G-47 O2G-Licensing / Consider xxx.o2g license file instead of a one.
RQO2G-53 O2G - Calling Line Name from public nwk
• added feature 'Call Center RSI' (PUBLIC level)
RQO2G-49 O2G RSI licensing / Consider the new “ROXE_API_CONTACTCENTER_RSI” license.
RQO2G-55 O2G - Associate Data on RSI
• added feature 'Call Center Management' (DRAFT level)
RQO2G-52 O2G - CCD Pilot Action
RQO2G-57 O2G - ability to play an OXE dynamic voice prompt.
RQO2G-51 O2G - CCD Calendar
• modified feature 'Call control'
o added methods : Intrusion in a call

O2G version (August 2021)
This new version will be associated to the boot DVD
To be sure to have all the O2G functionalities, the minimum recommended OXE version is version N1.291.5.
CRO2G-211 Backup fails when external flexlm is used ( Minor
CRO2G-210 02G in a Docker container Minor
CRO2G-209 Telephony: wrong status error on makeCall when agent already in consultation call. Major
CRO2G-207 Blind transfer is not working Critical
CRO2G-206 Blind transfer is not working Major
CRO2G-203 H-CCaaS : O2G - Correlator Data missing in TRANSFER notification Major
CRO2G-202 H-CCaaS : O2G incorrect capabilities in CallCreated notification for outgoing call Major
CRO2G-201 CCAS: No Transfert information on anonymous call Major
CRO2G-200 [AKIO-7.19.1] H-CCaaS : O2G missing notifications if wrong number sent in make_call request Major
CRO2G-199 Bad HTTP error in method GET /acd/agent/config Major

O2G version (June 2021)
This new version will be associated to the boot DVD
The new O2G version is only compatible with at least this version of the bootDVD (Adding DRBD packages). It is therefore necessary to do an installation from scratch.

To be sure to have all the O2G functionalities, the minimum recommended OXE version is version N1.271.5.b.
CRO2G-195 Update Charging object (OXE taxation ticket) Minor
CRO2G-194 H-CCaaS : CSTA clear connection service rejected after consulting CampOn call Major
CRO2G-193 headset option ignored on /acd/agent/logon Minor

RQO2G-46 O2G-Geo redundancy
No code evolution, only documentation aspect

O2G version (April 2021)
This new version will be associated to the boot DVD
The new O2G version is only compatible with at least this version of the bootDVD (Adding DRBD packages). It is therefore necessary to do an installation from scratch.

To be sure to have all the O2G functionalities, the minimum recommended OXE version is version N1.271.5.b.
CRO2G-192 Feature: Telephony makeCall: add inhibit progress tone option in makecall Major
CRO2G-190 CCAAS: roll back on CRO2G-154:AccountInfo not handled in multi-call Major
CRO2G-179 postgres processes blocks O2G services restart Minor
CRO2G-178 O2G HA - on STANDBY server. Major

modified feature: Call control
- added in representation 'MakeCallRequest' :
o inhibitProgressTone

vlab/o2g/o2g-versions.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/08 15:16 by admin

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