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If you are in need of having IP Desktop phones in your lab and/or want to use IpDesktopSoftphones, the vlab admin could set you up with an OpenVPN access.
Before you can use it, you will need to have your IT Team help you configure the computer hosting the VPN with the following setup:

  • IP Forwarding activated
  • A Virtual IP Interface with the IP address 10.200.#.1/24 (# = your vlab number)

The PC hosting the IPDesktop (Soft)phones should be configured with the following:

  • Static IP of 10.200.#.[10-99] / 24
  • Default router of 10.200.#.1 (the IP address of the virtual interface referenced above)

The IPDesktop Softphone should use the following information:

  • CPU/TFTP IP address: 10.100.#.100
vlab/vpn.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/08 15:34 by admin

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